Firstly, today was cell and we spoke bout savings and the economy ya like what does it gonna do with us young people..haha and again came back late..
i just feel like crap've made me realise, realise that i had been so not nice at all and things like that..ya i agree, So Long As You Are Happy is what i had always been saying but it was for you to feel that i'm not trying to take control of things but more of letting you do what you think is right and let you learn by what gopal told me, hon wah, it's your lesson to learn not my lesson to teach. It applies here, your lesson, no matter what i say it wont do ya.. no one is perfect..i know, cause i'm not so i dont expect anyone to be. but there are things which are in your what some people told me, in life is either you are in control or you are not in i believe that in life there are things that is within our control it is only how we gonna face it and get the right thing done..i know i have been selfish and only thought of me, me and me but i cant help it.cause as the days grew, i seen you go even deeper in and you're not like what i first saw..but as i was gonna loose it, someone told me to place myself in the same position and have a look if i would had done the same thing..looking at it, i would had done the same or even worst so told myself that it's not your fault, just that i have a better foundation and i expected yours to be as deep as mine.. i was wrong in expecting so high cause not everyone learns the same way and not everyone will think the same way too..i know it will not be so impactful now but just wanna share my point of view..i know, removing things that you long for is not as easy as i thought and not as easy as it looks but i kinda understand the grounds now and the soil we are stepping on..different soil grow different things and different flowers make the garden look pretty and different people in life makes up the different stages of your life..all this i had not understood as i do now..cause you made realise that it is more than what i feel and see in my circle..and that is why if back in time when people first said that the earth was square, i will be the one of them who agrees with the statement cause i have never look beyond what i could see and find out but just blindly follow the trent, that's just too HonWah's style..
alright so much of soul searching....
Guys, go watch Benjamin Buttons..great show and it shows how not selfish can we be and what would have happen if we only thought bout our self and our own pleasure..
Ok stopping here! Good nite! hope you will understand...